Are you interested in the legal implications of the corona crisis? Then this is the right podcast for you. We are exploring the legal implications of the corona crisis in our society with different national and international guests. 

Would you like to hear more about revenge pornography and fake news? Then Ars Aequi is the right podcast for you. In this podcast we explore topics at the intersection of law and digital technologies. This podcast is not only for those in the legal field but is directed at all internet users.

Have you ever thought about participating in a moot court at the University of Vienna? You don´t know if and which one to apply to? Find all the hard facts about many moot courts together in this podcast.

If you've ever felt like something is missing in your studies, you should consider taking part in an extracurricular activity. The Podcast Pro Bono introduces you to voluntary organisations at the Juridicum and beyond.

In this playlist we give the floor to our students. They present their projects on topics such as hate in the net, the admissibility of Cookie Walls and possible claims in case of data protection violations.