privacy4kids meets KinderuniWien

by Mariana A. Rissetto and Marie-Catherine Wagner

At the KinderuniWien, just like at a real university, children aged 7 to 12 years old can experience for two weeks lectures in the forms of lecture halls or workshops at the seven different universities in Vienna. This year's motto was diversity. 

The privacy4kids team and colleagues from ID (formed by Theresa Henne, Hande Özkayagan Prändl, Mariana Alicia Rissetto, Marie-Catherine Wagner, Sebastian Weny, and Andreas Zavadil) participated for the first time in this event and held two classes about ‘hate speech’. The main goal was to raise awareness on the topic as well as identify tools and rights to prevent and mitigate such a situation.

The hour dedicated for the respective age groups (7 to 9 and 10 to 12 years) aimed to bring the topic to children’s attention through the videos:

After interactive and vivid discussions about the elements of the video, children were asked to identify ways to handle situations of hate speech and chose which actions they would take in the case they are confronted to such a situation. 

Children gave valuable feedback and further thoughts about  the videos per se. This was very much appreciated considering  these educational videos were shown officially for the first time first hand to children.

The interaction, knowledge and interest of children made one hour fly, where both teachers and children learnt from each other, and also had fun!

A big ‘thank you’ to the organisation of KinderuniWien for such a wonderful event and thank you, children, for your enthusiasm and eagerness of knowledge.