Welcome to ID-Law's blog: Juritech!


"Juri" stands for Juridicum.
"Tech" stands for Technology.

This is the blog for Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, this is where we address novel legal questions that arise in new digital era.

#47 TeamID Breakfast Lecture - “Our world is different”: Re-Constituting Subsidiarity in the Digital Age

by Lisa Müllner


On 12 September 2024, the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law held a TeamID Breakfast Lecture as part of our TeamID Lunch Lecture Series.

The team of Professor Dr. Eisenberger invited our guest lecturer was Nicole West Bassoff who is a Ph.D. candidate in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and a Fellow in the Program on Science, Technology and Society (STS). She uses qualitative research methods and frameworks from the field of STS to interrogate the ethics and politics of efforts to digitize cities.


24.09.2024 | [read more]

#46 The Legal Tech Hackathon and its past year’s success story

by Michael Beier

The Legal Tech Hackathon (in short LTH) is a course that is offered each summer semester by the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law and the University of Applied Sciences Vienna. Through this cooperation the LTH not only comprises law students – just like any other “ordinary” course offered at the Juridicum – but also computer science students. 

25.07.2024 | [read more]

#45 Durchführung einer DSFA

by Michael Schmidbauer, Saskia Kaltenbrunner

Die Durchführung einer Datenschutzfolgenabschätzung (DSFA) nach Art 35 DSGVO ist regelmäßig Teil von Forschungsprojekten, was Fragen zu organisatorischen Aspekten und der optimalen Herangehensweise in diesen Projekten aufwirft. Im Rahmen des CD-Labors für Maschinelles Lernen zur Präzisionsbildgebung hat sich das ID Law Team, als rechtswissenschaftlicher Partner im Projekt, mit der Durchführung einer DSFA in medizinischen Forschungsprojekten auseinandergesetzt.

23.07.2024 | [read more]



#44 “AI Liability in Health” - A Moot Court organised by UNIVIE at the CPDP Conference 2024

by Clara Saillant, Theresa Henne & Lorraine Maisnier-Boché

On 22nd May 2024, UNIVIE went back to the Computer, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) Conference in Brussels for a new moot court edition. Last year UNIVIE organised a moot court on the topic “Value of Health Data” based on the (now adopted) European Health Data Space regulation (EHDS) and the question of rewarding data providers at the CPDP. This year’s edition focused on “AI Liability in Health”

03.07.2024 | [read more]

#43 The first lecture of TeamID Lunch Lecture Series

by Matthias Klonner, Hande Özkayagan Prändl and Katarzyna Barud

The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law has kicked off their TeamID Lunch Lecture Series on 13 June at 12:30 pm. The aim of the Lunch Lecture Series is to increase the exchange between the Department and its employees with researches both from other disciplines and from other law faculties in a convivial setting.

20.06.2024 | [read more]

#42 Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024

by Boris Kandov

Am 24. Mai 2024 fand in Wien die „Lange Nacht der Forschung“ statt, bei der Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen sowie forschende Unternehmen von 17:00 bis 23:00 Uhr ihre Türen öffneten. Bei freiem Eintritt konnten Besucher an über 500 Programmpunkten an 52 verschiedenen Ausstellungsstandorten teilnehmen und einen Einblick in die Welt der Wissenschaft und Forschung gewinnen.

03.06.2024 | [read more]