Department Visit at Masaryk University
Department Visit at Masaryk University
by Christoph Korab
On the 11th and 12th of September, the Department of Innovation and Digitalization in Law had the pleasure of following an invitation from our colleagues at the Institute of Law and Technology of Masaryk University in Brno. Prof. Forgó and Theresa Henne, Clara Saillant, Lukas Faymann, Adriana Winkelmeier, Klaudia Kwiatkowska, Hande Özkaygan Prändl and Christoph Korab enjoyed two days of social and academic programs organized by Vice Rector Radim Polčák and Prof. Pavel Koukal, during which a guided tour through the city was offered, lunch at the beautiful academic club of Masaryk University and dinner at a traditional Czech restaurant with hearty dishes.
The academic program included presentations from PhD students of Masaryk University and the University of Vienna. It included a broad bouquet of topics ranging from presenting EU-funded projects at the Department of Innovation and Digitalization in Law at the University of Vienna over data protection issues to fundamental questions in copyright. A particular highlight was the academic input of Prof. Tatsuhiko Inatani from the University of Kyoto, who fortunately took time out of his visit to Vienna to accompany the Department's joint seminar with Brno. The talk revolving around weak robots and their legal implications was fascinating for European scholars.
And since, in only two days, many subsequent plans for scientific collaboration had evolved among the participants; we are optimistic that the fruitful collaboration with our dear, close colleagues at the Masaryk University will continue.