#53 Berufspraktikum am Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung im Recht

by Lena Zulauf

Mein Name ist Lena und ich bin eine 17-jährige Schülerin aus Deutschland. Durch das Erasmus+ Programm der europäischen Union hatte ich die Möglichkeit für zwei Wochen ein Praktikum am Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung im Recht an der Universität Wien zu absolvieren.

02.02.2025 | [read more]

#52 DPMC-Final

by Elias Krall, Klaudia Kwiatkowska, Mariana Rissetto and Marie-Catherine Wagner

In December 2024, the 3rd Data Protection Moot Court (DPMC) concluded with great success – and we couldn’t be happier with the results!

14.01.2025 | [read more]

#51 IDLaw at the Cyberspace Conference 2024

by Michael Schmidbauer

IDLaw at the Cyberspace Conference 2024

The team of the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law was once again able to participate in the renowned Brno Cyberspace Conference – a visit which by now has become tradition for our department (see last year’s report).

19.12.2024 | [read more]

#50 TeamID Breakfast Lecture on AI, Gender and Algorithmic Discrimination from a European Law Perspective

by Katarzyna Barud

The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law finished their TeamID Lunch/Breakfast Lecture Series of 2024 on 3 December 2024. The aim of the Lunch / Breakfast Lecture Series is to increase the exchange between the Department, academic staff and broader audience including e.g. law students with researchers both from our faculty as well as from other disciplines in a convivial setting.

17.12.2024 | [read more]

#49 Our team at the Alzheimer Europe Conference in Geneva

by Klaudia Kwiatkowska, Alexandra Marginean and Marie-Catherine Wagner

On 10th October 2024, the University of Vienna team presented at the eBRAIN-Health symposium during the Alzheimer Europe conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

12.12.2024 | [read more]

#48 DPMC 2024 officially kicked off

by Klaudia Kwiatkowska

On 7 October 2024, the third edition of the Data Protection Moot Court (DPMC) officially kicked off with an online introductory meeting for all participants and coaches.

14.10.2024 | [read more]

#47 TeamID Breakfast Lecture - “Our world is different”: Re-Constituting Subsidiarity in the Digital Age

by Lisa Müllner

On 12 September 2024, the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law held a TeamID Breakfast Lecture as part of our TeamID Lunch Lecture Series.

The team of Professor Dr. Eisenberger invited our guest lecturer was Nicole West Bassoff who is a Ph.D. candidate in Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and a Fellow in the Program on Science, Technology and Society (STS). She uses qualitative research methods and frameworks from the field of STS to interrogate the ethics and politics of efforts to digitize cities.

24.09.2024 | [read more]

#46 The Legal Tech Hackathon and its past year’s success story

by Michael Beier

The Legal Tech Hackathon (in short LTH) is a course that is offered each summer semester by the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law and the University of Applied Sciences Vienna. Through this cooperation the LTH not only comprises law students – just like any other “ordinary” course offered at the Juridicum – but also computer science students. 

25.07.2024 | [read more]

#45 Durchführung einer Datenschutzfolgenabschätzung

by Michael Schmidbauer, Saskia Kaltenbrunner

Die Durchführung einer Datenschutzfolgenabschätzung (DSFA) nach Art 35 DSGVO ist regelmäßig Teil von Forschungsprojekten, was Fragen zu organisatorischen Aspekten und der optimalen Herangehensweise in diesen Projekten aufwirft. Im Rahmen des CD-Labors für Maschinelles Lernen zur Präzisionsbildgebung hat sich das ID Law Team, als rechtswissenschaftlicher Partner im Projekt, mit der Durchführung einer DSFA in medizinischen Forschungsprojekten auseinandergesetzt.

23.07.2024 | [read more]

#44 “AI Liability in Health” - A Moot Court organised by UNIVIE at the CPDP Conference 2024


by Clara Saillant, Theresa Henne & Lorraine Maisnier-Boché

On 22nd May 2024, UNIVIE went back to the Computer, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) Conference in Brussels for a new moot court edition. Last year UNIVIE organised a moot court on the topic “Value of Health Data” based on the (now adopted) European Health Data Space regulation (EHDS) and the question of rewarding data providers at the CPDP. This year’s edition focused on “AI Liability in Health”

03.07.2024 | [read more]


#43 The first lecture of TeamID Lunch Lecture Series

by Matthias Klonner, Hande Özkayagan Prändl and Katarzyna Barud

The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law has kicked off their TeamID Lunch Lecture Series on 13 June at 12:30 pm. The aim of the Lunch Lecture Series is to increase the exchange between the Department and its employees with researches both from other disciplines and from other law faculties in a convivial setting.

20.06.2024 | [read more]

#42 Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024

by Boris Kandov

Am 24. Mai 2024 fand in Wien die „Lange Nacht der Forschung“ statt, bei der Universitäten, Fachhochschulen, Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen sowie forschende Unternehmen von 17:00 bis 23:00 Uhr ihre Türen öffneten. Bei freiem Eintritt konnten Besucher an über 500 Programmpunkten an 52 verschiedenen Ausstellungsstandorten teilnehmen und einen Einblick in die Welt der Wissenschaft und Forschung gewinnen.

03.06.2024 | [read more]

#41 Data Protection Moot Court 2023 is over and here is how it went

by Klaudia Kwiatkowska

Discover the highlights of the 2023 Data Protection Moot Court (DPMC), where law students and graduates worldwide showcased their GDPR knowledge. Organized by legal experts in the field, the competition encouraged research, argument development, and legal reasoning. With participants from across the globe, including Brazil and Azerbaijan, this year’s DPMC expanded its reach, challenging teams in both written and oral phases on complex data protection issues. Celebrating creativity and legal acumen, awards were presented to outstanding teams and individuals, highlighting the event’s success in fostering future data protection law experts.

07.04.2024 [ read more ]

#40 Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry

by Iana Kazeeva

As you study intellectual property law, you will inevitably come across cases from the fashion industry. Moreover, these cases are important not just for the fashion business, but also have an impact on the application and development of intellectual property law as a whole.

15.02.2024 | [ read more ]

#39 Europe Rounds of the Monroe E Price Media Law Moot Court Competition

by Hannah Bertoluzza

From January 31th until February 2nd 2024, the University of Vienna has proven its skills at the Europe Rounds of the Monroe E Price Media Law Moot Court Competition. Hosted by the Université Paris Cité and organized by the University of Oxford, our Mooting Team has achieved the 2nd place and can now call itself European runner-up.

06.22.2024 | [ read more ]

#38: Get to know the Department: Berufspraktische Tage

by Anna Krejci

Im Rahmen meiner Berufspraktischen Tage konnte ich das Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung drei Tage lang kennenlernen. Die Berufspraktischen Tage sollen es Schüler:innen ermöglichen, einen Einblick in das Berufsleben eines bestimmten Unternehmens oder einer Institution zu bekommen.

01.02.2024 | [ read more ]

#37 Cyberspace Conference at Masaryk University

by Boris Kandov

Once again this year our department travelled to beautiful Brno. The Masaryk University was hosting the Cyberspace conference, a prestigious event organized in collaboration with the Masaryk University, Institute of Law and Technology, Faculty of Law, and the European Academy of ICT Law Vienna. Over two days, from November 24th to 25th 2023, the conference brought together experts to discuss and learn about legal and social aspects of information and communication technologies.

06.12.2023 | [ read more ]

#36 Transatlantic Insights into Digital Technologies for Mental Health

by Elisabeth Steindl

The promise of digital technologies for mental health services is undeniable, but it also brings forth challenges, particularly concerning privacy and data protection. Elisabeth Steindl and Richard Rak have successfully secured third-party funding for a modest-scale project on “Privacy and Data Protection Challenges Affecting Internet of Things for Mental Health: Comparative Perspectives and Pathways for Soft Regulation in Europe and Canada” (IoT-MH). 

03.10.2023 | [ read more ]

#35 Department Visit at Masaryk University

by Christoph Korab

On the 11th and 12th of September, the Department of Innovation and Digitalization in Law had the pleasure of following an invitation from our colleagues at the Institute of Law and Technology of Masaryk University in Brno. Prof. Forgó and Theresa Henne, Clara Saillant, Lukas Faymann, Adriana Winkelmeier, Klaudia Kwiatkowska and Hande Özkaygan Prändl enjoyed two days of social and academic programs organized by Vice Rector Radim Polčák and Prof. Pavel Koukal.

 21.09.2023 | [ read more ]

#34 AI and Law Summer School in Fiesole

by Christoph Korab and Adriana Winkelmeier

From the 10th to the 14th of June, the European University Institute, together with the University of Pittsburgh, held another iteration of the “AI and Law” summer school on the beautiful premises of the EUI campus in Fiesole close to Florence revolving around machine learning in the legal domain and its challenges, opportunities and future.

22.08.2023 | [ read more ]

#33: The Data Lifecycle: Exemplified by the HOLIFOOD project

by Katja Hartl, Tima Otu Anwana, Marie-Catherine Wagner

UNIVIE has been part of the HOLiFOOD project since October 2022. The main objective of the project is to develop an early warning system for food risks and to validate methods and devices for the identification and characterization of existing and (re-)emerging hazards (chemical and biological).

21.06.2023 | [ read more ]

#32: Talk About! Über „Text und Data Mining“ und maschinenlesbare Vorbehalte.

by Peter Hübelbauer

Peter Hübelbauer hat am 9.5.2023 im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe „Talk About“ am Handelsgericht Wien einen Vortrag über „Text und Data Mining“ aus urheberrechtlicher Perspektive gehalten.

12.05.2023 | [ read more ]

#31: Get to know the Department: Berufspraktische Tage

by Maya Schad & Simon Ziegler

Im Rahmen unserer Schulausbildung in der AHS Rahlgasse hatten wir, Maya und Simon, durch unsere berufspraktischen Tage die Möglichkeit, für vier Tage in einem Betrieb unserer Wahl zu schnuppern.

17.02.2023 | [ read more ]

#30 The FSM: Data Management Plan

by Eva Korenjak Lalovič and Tima Otu Anwana

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is an essential aspect of any research project. In the context of projects funded by the European Union, the Commission requires that a DMP be conducted within the first six months of a project. A DMP is a report that outlines the management of data, describing how data is to be collected, processed or generated within a research project. Furthermore, a DMP should be aligned with the European commission's open data policy and its objective to make research findable, accessible, interoperate and reusable (FAIR).

05.02.2023 | [ read more ]

#29 RR-AI Project Days: Interdisciplinarity has so much more to offer!

by Maximilian Bauer & Saskia Kaltenbrunner

A team of the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law represented the University of Vienna at the Responsible Robotics (RR-AI) Project Week. 

30.01.2023 | [ read more ]

#28 “In Europe the bird will fly by our EU rules” – But is Twitter an ostrich or a humming bird?

by Boris Kandov

After Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter and one of his famous first tweets as the owner of the platform stating "the bird is freed", one of the first people to respond was Thierry Breton, the EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, with a clarification that in the EU the platform will have to abide by the EU rules.

09.01.2023 | [ read more ]

#27 IDLaw2022

This year’s IDLaw2022 Conference addressed the protection of vulnerable groups in the digital world. On 9 November 2022 the ID offered the forum to present several hands-on projects which aim to protect young and elderly generations in the exercise of their rights in the digital world.

17.11.2022 | [ read more ]

#26 It’s the end of the world as we know it

by Theresa Henne, Peter Hübelbauer and Saskia Kaltenbrunner

“It’s the end of the world as we know it” was the title of the 9th EDEN Conference on data protection and law enforcement that took place in The Hague, on the 19th and 20th of September, hosted by Europol and organised by ERA, the Academy of European Law in cooperation with Europol’s Data Protection Experts Network (EDEN). From the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, we, Theresa, Peter and Saskia, travelled from cold and rainy Vienna to colder and rainier The Hague to join two days of exciting panels, keynotes, and networking opportunities.

05.10.2022 | [ read more ]

#25 Young Digital Law: Building a research network for a new legal discipline

by Elisabeth Steindl

The roots of some legal fields go back to the Roman Age or even further. Compared to these, ‘digital law’ is still in its infant days. The rapid development of digital technologies and the increasing complexities of digital practices in a digitised society have led to an ever-increasing number of legal questions.

15.09.2022 | [ read more ]

#24 Sommerdiskurs 2022 – Arbeitsgruppe „Soziale Kohäsion und Recht“

by Marielle Domig and Sophia Witz

Der Sommerdiskurs aus Wirtschaft, Recht und Kultur der Universität Wien von 3. bis 5. August 2022 fand auch dieses Jahr wieder in Strobl am Wolfgangsee statt. Thema des diesjährigen Diskurses war „Rebuilding Social Cohesion and Stability“. 

23.08.2022 [read more]

#23 privacy4kids meets KinderuniWien

by Mariana A. Rissetto and Marie-Catherine Wagner

At the KinderUniWien, just like at a real university, children aged 7 to 12 years old can experience for two weeks lectures in the forms of lecture halls or workshops at the seven different universities in Vienna. This year's motto was diversity. 

16.08.2022 | [ read more ]

#22 Legal Data Lab 2022

by Paul Eberstaller

Auch im vergangenen Sommersemester fand der Kurs Legal Data Lab wieder statt. In einem zweitägigen Workshop erarbeiteten die Studierenden einige Projekte, die in diesem Blogartikel vorgestellt werden. 

02.08.2022 | [ read more ]

#21 A Week on Anonymisation

by Theresa Henne

The concept of anonymisation is heavily debated and divergent opinions exist under what circumstances data can be considered anonymised. In the last week of May, UNIVIE’s team members working on the ProCAncer-I project travelled across Europe to discuss the topic of anonymisation in health research and learn about the latest solutions.

23.06.2022 | [ read more ]

#20 CPDP2022

by Tima Otu Anwana, Richard Rak, Mariana Rissetto and Elisabeth Steindl

"Regulating AI in Health Research and Innovation" was the panel organized by the Department of ID law for the CPDP2022. This year’s 15th edition of CPDP (CPDP2022) was held from 23 to 25 May 2022 and offered 92 panel sessions with more than 450 international speakers, where the Department of ID law had the honor to have been among the institutions chosen to organise a panel and thus has formed an integral part of this year’s rich conference programme.

01.06.2022 | [ read more ]

#19 Sneak Peak: Analyzing the Challenges of Online Platforms

by William Field-Papuga and Boris Kandov

With more and larger platforms, the issue of platform liability is becoming increasingly important. In Europe, the legal framework for platform liability has been established for over 20 years by the eCommerce Directive, which is now to be replaced by the Digital Services Act. With a look at the relevant case law to date, but also with a focus on U.S. law, William Field-Papuga's research provides a well-rounded overview of the legal situation of platform liability to date.

24.05.2022 | [ read more ]

#18 Breakfast with Microsoft

by Tima Otu Anwana

Digital sovereignty is currently a vital political and legal topic. To discuss the various issues related to this, the ID Law team hosted a breakfast conversation with Casper Klynge and Professor Joe Cannataci.

11.05.2022 | [ read more ]

#17 DigiGov Winter School

by Elisabeth Steindl

The Department of Digitalisation and Innovation in Law is well-connected and active within the digital law community. However, solving many issues of today’s society takes more than the wisdom of one single discipline. Therefore, the Department has increased its endeavours to work closer with scholars form other Departments at the University of Vienna and has become (founding) member of the newly launched Research Platform Governance of Digital Practices (DigiGov). Together with our DigiGov colleagues, we have now conducted the first DigiGov Winter School!

16.03.2022 | [ read more ]

#16 The KATY Project

by Katarzyna Barud

Kidney cancer is one of the 10 most common cancers in both men and women. Can Artificial Intelligence help the people affected by this disease?

02.03.2022 | [ read more ]

#15 Legal Data Science

by Paul Eberstaller

Im Wintersemester 2021/22 feierte der Kurs Legal Data Science seine Premiere. Nach einer Einführung in die technischen und rechtlichen Grundlagen entwickelten die Studierenden in Kleingruppen eigene Auswertungen, die sie am Ende des Kurses präsentierten.

16.02.2022 | [ read more ]

#14 Privacy4Kids

by Adriana Winkelmeier & Gal Axis

„Datenschutz“ – ein Thema, das jeden Einzelnen täglich betrifft, sei es durch Online-Shopping oder Social Media. Vielen Menschen ist dabei jedoch meist gar nicht bewusst welche Daten sie teilen und was mit diesen passiert. Durch das EU finanzierte Forschungsprojekt „Privacy4Kids“ der Universität Wien, in Zusammenarbeit mit der österreichischen Datenschutzbehörde, wird Kindern und Jugendlichen das Thema Datenschutz nähergebracht.

27.01.2022 | [ read more ]

#13 Monroe E. Price Media Law Moot Court Competition 2021 - Ein Erfahrungsbericht

by Dina Mutevelic

In diesem Moot Court werden jedes Jahr Fragen der Meinungsfreiheit sowie der Rolle von Medien und Informationstechnologie erörtert. Das Team der Universität Wien nahm dabei an der South-Eastern Europe Regional Round teil.

12.01.2022 | [ read more ]

#12 Änderungen der Urheberrechtsnovelle 2021

by Filip Paspalj

Das Team des Projekts Digitize! stellt seine erfolgreichen Änderungsvorschläge zur Urheberrechtsnovelle 2021 vor.

15.12.2021 | [ read more ]

#11 Moot Probe

by Johanna Göschlberger and Max Königseder

Der Podcast Moot Probe führt seine Zuhörer*innen auf eine Reise vom Weltall über unsere Umwelt bis in die Arbeitswelt.

01.12.2021 | [ read more ]

#10 Anonymous? Estimating the Risk of Re-identification within the ProCancer-I Health Data Sets

by Emily Johnson and Theresa Henne

Which insights are sufficient to allow you to reconstruct the identity of the person they concern? The question under which conditions data anonymization can be considered successful constitutes a constant topic of discussion within the ProCAncer-I project dealing with personal health data.

17.11.2021 | [ read more ]

#9 The CONNEXIONs Project

by Emily Johnson

The CONNEXIONs project is an EU Horizon 2020 research project that aims to develop a suite of interconnected tools to assist Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) throughout all stages of fighting crime and terrorism, encompassing the entire lifecycle of law enforcement operations.

03.11.2021 | [ read more ]

#8 European Health Data Space and the Artificial Intelligence Act proposal: are they tangled?

by Mariana A. Rissetto

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are mined and trained with data and a bridge is being built at the European Union (EU) level to facilitate access to health data, in particular through the European Health Data Space. In this context, what do the European Union Artificial Intelligence Act proposal (AIA proposal) and the European Health Data Space Initiative (EHDS) foresee for their interplay?

22.08.2021 | [ read more ]

#7 TheFSM in a nutshell

by Lukas Faymann

Food production in today's globalized world is extremely complex. Before food products are ready to be sold on the shelf in the supermarket, a large number of actors are involved to ensure the best possible quality of the food. Often, many producers, inspectors, controllers and distributors are involved, all of whom strive to maintain the high quality standards required in the European Union (EU). The project “The Food Safety Market” (TheFSM), funded by the European Union as part of the Horizon 2020 program, aims to provide a technological solution in the food safety supply chain.

30.07.2021 | [ read more ]

#6 Schreckensszenario oder doch gerechtfertigt?

by Theresa Kuk

Mit Voranschreiten der technischen Entwicklung ergeben sich neue Möglichkeiten, die auch neue Problemfelder aufzeigen können. Wie ist zu verfahren, wenn ein Endgerät nur mit Face-ID oder Fingerprint entsperrt werden kann? Die KrimPol wendet in solchen Fällen maßvollen Zwang an. Darunter ist zu verstehen, dass der Kopf festgehalten und das Gerät vor das Gesicht gehalten wird oder die Hand des Betroffenen wird genommen, um mit dem Finger das Endgerät zu entsperren. Auf die Daten kann anschließend zugegriffen werden. Für all jene, die sich mit Datenschutz auseinandersetzen, drängt sich die Frage auf: Liegt eine Verletzung des Datenschutzes vor? Der folgende Beitrag bespricht diesen Sachverhalt aus der Sicht der Strafprozessordnung, der Grundrechtedogmatik und stellt dar, ob die DSGVO den Datenschutz einmahnen kann.

06.07.2021 | [weiterlesen]

#5 Bestes Team beim ersten GDPR Moot Court

(c) Universität Wien

by Natalie Herbst, Lyubomira Veneva, Sebastian Weny  - Erfahrungsbericht

ELSA Austria, unterstützt vom Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung im Recht und Top-Rechtsanwaltskanzleien, veranstaltete dieses Jahr gemeinsam mit den Initiatoren Martin Baumann (Österreichische Post AG), Marco Blocher und Alan Dahi (beide noyb) den ersten GDPR Moot Court, welcher komplett online stattfand. Das Team der Universität Wien geht als Sieger des ersten österreichweiten GDPR Moot Courts hervor.

27.06.2021 | [ Weiterlesen ]

#4 What is the LL.M programm "Information and Media Law" about, Mr. Holzweber?

by Markus Holzweber and Lucia Mack

More than 20 years ago, the university course in Information and Media Law was established as a start-up project. 20 years after its foundation, the modern social changes of the last few years show us why the course is more important than ever and why it has become a success.

17.05.2021 | [ read more ]

#3 Who we are?

by Doruntina Berisha

The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law was founded in 2017 at the University of Vienna's Law School. We consider the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law as the law school´s link to the digital revolution. We deal with a wide range of legal questions concerning the modern media and information society that result from the rapid, continuing rise in technological innovations.

22.03.2021 | [ read more ]


by Sarah Lucas

BIOMAP has released an animated clip illustrating the project work to alleviate the burden and consequences of Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis for people living with the diseases.  

Since the project launch in 2019, more than 30 leading international players from academia, pharma industry and civil society have joined forces to improve direct disease management by combining clinical, genetic and epidemiological expertise with modern molecular analysis techniques and newly-developed tools in bioinformatics. 

20.04.2021 | [ read more ]

#1 Digital Services Act - a revolution?

by William Field-Papuga

Does the European Commission’s proposal for a Digital Services Act represent a revolution, or is it more of the same approach to online platform regulation? This was the question posed to 22 speakers at the Department of Innovation and Digitalization in Law’s second conference on the Digital Services Act (DSA) and Digital Markets Act (DMA), held on the 1st and 2nd of March 2021.

12.03.2021 | [ read more ]